Thursday, March 29, 2012

Dry Sensitive Skin

Dry Sensitive Skin Care There are several types of skin– normal, dry, oily, combination, and sensitive – and each type requires a different type of skin care. However, when you have dry sensitive skin, it usually needs much more attention and care than other types. Skin type is generally inherited, but there may be other factors that can affect your skin type. Environmental factors, exposure to the sun, use of cosmetics, and some underlying diseases can also impact your skin condition. Dry Sensitive Skin Care Tips Here are some skin care tips that can be followed to maintain the health of dry sensitive skin. 1 Moisturize – it is extremely important to apply moisturizer regularly on dry and sensitive skin. Choose a moisturizing cream or lotion that suits your skin type. You can also use essential oils – like coconut oil, olive oil, or almond oil – that contain vitamins and proteins helpful for the skin. Be especially cautious so as to keep your skin properly moisturized when you go out in the sun. Along with a moisturizer you should also have a sunscreen lotion with appropriate sun protection factor (SPF). 2 Bathing – you should be careful not to have prolonged or frequent baths. Bathing for long hours can strip essential oils from your skin and make it dryer. Bathing in hot water is also to be avoided as it can further dry up the oils from your skin. Another important thing about bathing is the water – check if you have too much of chlorine in your tap water. Also, check whether the soap and shampoo you use are suitable for your skin. Do not use soap on your skin too frequently if you suffer from dry skin. You can scrub your skin with oatmeal as a substitute for soap wash. 3 Eat healthy – diet also plays an important part in keeping your skin healthy. Eat lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, cereals, and nuts. Milk, egg, and fish should also be consumed in good amount. Also, you should drink adequate amount of water throughout the day to keep your skin properly hydrated. Additionally, you should also drink fruit juices whenever possible. 4 Use humidifier – to avoid hot and dry condition of indoor air, you should install a humidifier in the room. This will help increase the humidity level of the air in the room and benefit your skin. 5 Clothes – the material of your clothes can also have an impact on your skin. As far as possible, use clothes made of natural material (cotton or silk), and avoid clothes made of synthetic materials.