Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Ringworm Ringworm, medically known as tinea corpis, is a common skin disease caused by fungus infection. Though the name is ‘ringworm’ there is no worm involved here; it takes the name because of the characteristic circular ring that forms in this type of infection. Ringworm is not a serious disease, but it is a source of great annoyance and gives a rather unhygienic appearance. Symptoms The common symptoms of ringworm are: a round or oval rash on the skin with a healthy looking area at the center, slightly raised surface with pink scaly skin, itchiness and inflammation. Ringworm can attack any part of the body; a particular variety of ringworm affects the scalp as well. Causes The fungal infection happens when the parasitic fungus starts to live on the outer layer of the skin. The infection can be acquired through different mediums – human to human, animal to human, object to human, and soil to human. Ringworm is contagious in nature and care should be taken to avoid direct contact with an infected person or animal. Ringworm needs to be treated appropriately with proper medication. There are several anti-fungal medications available in the form of topical or oral medicine. Consult a dermatologist and get a suitable dose of medication for a speedy recovery. It is important to treat ringworm in time because untreated ringworm can spread over a large skin area and can become chronic. Chronic ringworm is increasingly difficult to get rid of. Ringworm Remedies and Home treatment There are also some common home remedies that you can try out to treat ringworm. • Apply raw turmeric juice on the infected area to get rid of ringworm. Additionally, you should also consume raw turmeric juice mixed with honey. If raw turmeric is not available, you can also use a paste of turmeric powder to apply on the skin. Wait till the paste dries up and then wash off the area with cold water. • Rub raw papaya slices on the ringworm patch and also apply a paste of dried papaya seeds on the infected skin. You may experience mild irritation while rubbing papaya on the skin, but it will cease after some time. • Soak mustard seeds overnight in water and then take out the soaked seeds in the morning to grind and make a paste. Apply this paste on the infected skin and leave till it dries up. Once the paste has dried, wash off the skin with cold water. Use this method regularly each day to get rid of ringworms.